Wednesday, December 7

Phelps 'Cross; School's Out

I knew going in that 60 minutes of racing was going to hurt real bad. Preparations lacking, my goals were simple... mix it up a bit, have some fun and bring 2011 to a close on a high note.

From the green light, I gassed it hard into the first corner. While most of the field swung wide, I stuck the inside line around the 180° turn. That set me up squarely where I didn't belong... in the front group. These guys are all in peak form and to them; cross is boss. It was fun for me to be in that mix; watching them battle and throwing a jab whenever I could but I knew I'd pay the price. Whatever though, I was reveling in the moment.

As I started drifting back through the pack, I purposefully chose some goofy lines and played around wherever I could. At some point I was picked up by Zach and Craig. They were all about having fun; chit chatting, mixing it up, generally horsin' around. I rolled with them for a lap or three until they slowly pulled away. As I watched them disappear into the course ahead, I realized that was the end of my racing for 2011. I'd had my fun, I'd mixed it up, and I'd learned some lessons along the way.

Remember kids, riding bikes is fun. Whether you're shooting blanks or dropping bombs, there's always fun to be had out there. Never loose sight of that and you'll be A-Okay.

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug

Photo Cred: Kirk Thibault


  1. The best part about that jump was landing it and having to slide through the corner! Nice seeing you out there.

  2. Thanks Mike! Good to see you out there too. I was looking forward to that spot, every time around.
